On December 31 I was listening to the radio and they were talking about what was their favorite memory of the year and that got me thinking so here is my year in review!
January: Rachel's Wedding was the 4th -6th in Mexico and it was a crazy time...just like Rachel!
February: The 7th-9th was CHA/Meeting Elsie for the 2nd time/Meeting "SIS"ters. CHA is always fun, getting to see all of the new products that are going to be coming out and getting to visit with Elsie is always a good time! I also got to meet some of the SIS Girls at Roundtable Pizza. All of them are fun and i wish we could have hung out longer or got to get together more. I drove back to NM on the 16th-17th. This was not a planned event (moving back home) but I am here now and a lot has happened since I have been back....continue reading!
March: Winning the Roswell Shop Hop! We had a shop hop in CA with scrap stores and when I came back to NM I found out thaey were doing one with local sores so I went to all of them to get my stamp and it ended up that I WON! What a nice welcome home gift!
April: April 1st I HAVE A JOB! I started at the Bank of the Southwest as a Proof Operator
May: My brother Jeremiah graduated from HS. It was a great time for the family to come together and hang out. This was the first time in a while that I was able to go to a family function because I was so far away.
June: Back in 2007 our main church building was burnt pretty bad so we were using the youth building (which is way smaller) while it was being rebuilt. It reopened this month and were able to enjoy the new building!
July: Yes I saw fireworks in Ca at Disneyland but never on the 4th. This year I was with my family at the lake. Also Jeremiah got an Apple computer with his graduation money and the nice brother that he is lets me barrow it, increasing my time at starbucks on the internet!
August: The Bank had been doing some remodeling and the Bookkeeping department was planning on moving up to the 3rd floor when all of it was done and finally on the 6th we were able to move up! I also got to go to CA for a very short time on the 9th-10th for Tiffany and Chris's Wedding. On the 9th I shopped and hug out with all my peeps the the wonderful wedding was on the 10th. My Birthday was on the 31st so to celebrate my mom, friend Amber, and I went to ABQ to go to Santa Fe and Freedom Fest.....continued into September.
September: For the rest of my Birthday we went shopping in Abq which we dont have a lot of here in Roswell
October: I got to teach my very first Scrap Class. Yes I have taught some techniques before but this was my first class where I made something and teach how I put it together! It was a small turn out and there were multiple difficulties but we pulled through and it was a great class.
November: I GOT A CAR! if you have read my previous post about my car you know all of the craziness that went with it but all in all I was just excited to get a car to call my own ok well I call it Roon but whatever. on the 21st -23rd I was in AZ visiting Dana and Rachel and watching TWILIGHT! Thanksgiving was also a fun time. Went to my grandmothers where my little cousins were also there and they are growing up so fast especially since I haven't seen them in a long time.
December: In closing out the year my brother got himself an X-Box 360 with Guitar Hero so you know what I will be doing in 09. My boss and his wife had their baby on the 27th and my dad had surgery on his ankle on the 31st.
For 2009 I plan to:
Travel more
Read at least 30 Books
Save for my own Apple Computer
Scrap More
and Blog More