Friday, August 31, 2007

It's My Brithday!

Yup thats right...I'm 22 Today! Its so exciting. I received some cupcakes from the Library staff today when I came in. Tonight and tomorrow with hopefully be filled with some good scrapbooking time and I'm really celebrating my Birthday on Sunday when some of my friends and I go to Acapulco's for dinner (Yummy margaritas) and then go see the nanny diaries! So Much fun to come!

P.S. The following is an e-mail that I received from Jack FM (If you don't know the station they are pretty funny, play whatever they want, and make the most random comments)

So, how's it going Krystal?

Congratulations on getting yet another year older. Yep, you're that much closer to adult diapers but look at the brightside, pretty much everybody has to be nice to you today, including JACK FM. So sit back, grab a cold one and let our JACK FM Glee Club serenade you with some birthday love.

All together now.....Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Krystal, Happy Birthday to you!!

Ok now go on, get outta here and have a great day. Oh yeah, and don't call us for bail money.


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